Minggu, 29 Desember 2013

tulisan keempat

Contoh surat full – block styles or american styles

Prentice hall of american
Connaught circus
                                        San Diego - America

15th june, 2012

Messrs. Books and books
Bras basah complex
Malaysia 0810

Dear sirs,
We thanks you for your letter dated 9 th  june 2012  and have  pleasure in enclosing ten copies of our latest catalogue.

Our usual trade discount is 30 % . however, in additon to this discount is allowed to the wholesalers provided the minimum order is for $ 15.00. all goods are sent on JNE and the documents ‘are sent through bank only.

Our books are widely advertised and circulated throughout the world and our clients are harvesting heavy profits in keeping bulk stock of our publications.

We shall be glad to hear further in the matter. Thank you

Yours faithfully

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